Mine has been telling me to create a container for the words that flow to me, around me, and in me for longer than I can remember. I believe words have the power to heal, to inspire, and to help us grow into new horizons- both the ones we choose and the ones that choose us. I have never needed my heart’s guidance more than I have over these past 3 years, when I first became a mother to a son named Horizon just before the pandemic began.

Listening to my heart through the words I put on a page when times are good and when they are rough is a never ending practice for me. I’ve written my way through more horizons than I can count over the last (almost) 5 decades—-and over the last decade or so, growth and gratitude have emerged as my most trustworthy guides. It is my heart’s hope that you find something of lasting value to you in the words, ideas, and portraits of the hearts shared here, and if it resonates with you, please accept my Invitation to learn more about ways in which we can grow together through new horizons.



This is a sign to pay attention to your heart.

Rebekah and Horizon

We chose your name, Horizon, in part because we love the symbolism of the horizon as the meeting place of heaven and earth, and the intersection point of any two seemingly opposite forces that together create a beautiful reality, and the sense of adventure and hope in exploring life- new horizons are full of possibilities. You showed up in our arms just as we and the entire world are being confronted with a force that will demand more of us than we can imagine from our current vantage point- we sit at the intersection of our past and our future, of our earthly realities and our limitless aspirations... of allowing our joy and our sorrow, our shadows and our light.The sound of your gentle breath calls me to sift through the vast collection of values, beliefs, hopes, desires, expectations and dreams I’ve held about life- both ours and yours and separate the wheat from the chaff, the priorities from the preferences, the matters of love and human spirit from the concerns and fears of the ego. This will not be an easy path, but it will be worth it.

Semi-Professional Bio

Rebekah’s mother was the first child of an illiterate Appalachian Coal Miner to graduate from college (she also earned a Master’s Degree), so from an early age Rebekah learned to appreciate the profound impact education had on her family. Rebekah’s almost 30- year journey as a teacher, principal, leadership coach/consultant, and most recently mom has given her the chance to live out her personal mission of inspiring courageous and fulfilled living in herself and others.  

She earned the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification for her work in early childhood education, and completed her Master’s Degree in Human Development and Psychology with an Arts in Education focus. As a New York City Principal, Rebekah received national recognition for her leadership of a school turn around in East Harlem, and she continues to use what she learned during that epic adventure to support people and organizations in the midst of change as a Strategic Intervention Coach.  

She and her husband Michael welcomed their son a week before the world locked down. This three years has been extremely challenging for her for practical day to day reasons like going through postpartum, breastfeeding and all the new mom stuff and navigating the labyrinth of figuring out how to support their son’s needs in a world turned upside down. Pre-pan and prepartum she was a nomad at heart, happiest on long distance flights to places like Thailand, Hong Kong, Fiji, Nigeria, and Australia where she has been known to sleep under the stars in the Outback and float down rivers at midnight. 

Rebekah and her husband, Michael, the. love of her life, have spent the last couple of years immersing themselves in learning how to best support our neurodivergent children within a blended family, and it is a frequent topic of her writing. They are currently exploring the possibility of starting a small DIR- Floortime playschool in North Carolina where they currently live.